Upstream Suicide Prevention in Connecticut Elementary Schools

Listen to this five minute story about Connecticut’s effort to create and implement an upstream suicide prevention curriculum in elementary schools. Featuring Gizmo the therapy dog, Gizmo’s Pawesome Guide to Mental Health is helping elementary school staff effectively teach children about mental health, life skills development, and social connectedness.

AWARDED! CT Networks of Care for School Systems Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Promotion

The CT Networks of Care for Suicide Prevention (NCSP) Initiative, in cooperation with the CT Suicide Advisory Board, is pleased to announce the awards for the CT Networks of Care for School Systems Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Promotion to these school systems and their community partners.

These grants are made possible through the 2015-2020 NCSP-Garrett Lee Smith Youth Suicide Prevention federal grant awarded to the CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) for 10-24 year-olds funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SM62916). The NCSP grant is co-directed by DMHAS, and the CT Departments of Children and Families (DCF) and Public Health (DPH), managed by the United Way of CT and Community Health Resources, and evaluated by UCONN Health.

The NCSP staff congratulate the new grantees and look forward to meeting and working with them to reduce the suicide risk of our CT youth and strengthen their mental wellness!!!