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We all feel sad, mad, or worried sometimes. Gizmo’s Pawesome Pledge for Mental Health can help. Find ways to make a plan for what to do when the kids in your life feel that way. You can take the pledge with your child at
Take care of your mental health & show children how to take care of theirs, too. Gizmo shares more mental health strategies.
We all feel sad, mad, or worried sometimes. Gizmo’s Pawesome Pledge for Mental Health can help. Learn more today!
When a child is sad, mad or worried, there are ways to calm both body and mind. For ideas on how to talk about mental health, visit our friend Gizmo.
Be the best version of you for the kids in your life! Talk about your feelings so kids talk about theirs, too.
When kids are feeling sad, mad or worried, they need trusted adults to talk with and to help guide them. You can be that trusted adult for them if you’re patient, and listen and respond with care and respect. This creates a safe space for kids to express themselves. For more information on being a trusted adult and how to help kids with their mental health, please visit –
What is one of the best ways to teach a child a skill? Modeling it yourself! Take care of your mental health and show the children in your life how they can take care of theirs, too. Connect with a friend each week. Keep up with an exercise routine. Read a book. These skills are so good for you and your child. For more strategies on mental health, check out Gizmo’s Pawsome Guide to Mental Health:
Little kids look to adults for everything, so be the best model of good mental health practices. Take time for you. Talk about your feelings. Share the ways you deal with feeling sad, mad, or worried. Your children will benefit. Learn more:
A trusted adult is someone kids can come to with any problem or worry. They can help kids understand thoughts and feelings. They can also give options for working through those emotions. OEC is working with Gizmo to help kids and their trusted adults better understand mental health. Take the Trusted Adult pledge for mental health today:
When you or a child in your life is sad, mad, or worried, there are ways to help calm down. Take five deep breaths. Go on a walk. Listen to music. Blow some bubbles. A simple strategy might be all you need to get calmer and find a solution. For more strategies and resources for mental health, check out this video to find out more:
Adults have a lot on their minds and it can sometimes be difficult to be aware of children’s feelings day-to-day. But taking the time to check-in daily with your children can help you understand their feelings and how to handle them. This is what good mental health is all about—being able to talk about how you feel! Check out Gizmo’s Pawsome Guide to Mental Health for a great resources on mental health for kids,
Talking to kids about their feelings is part of good mental health and trusted adults can model that. Ask them, ”Are you sad, mad or worried?” It may be difficult for them to express exactly how they are feeling. You can help by talking about your own feelings. Show them how expressing yourself can really help you feel better. For resources to help talk to kids about mental health and kids, head to today!
Mental health is just as important as physical health. AND there are things you can do to help yourself or others daily, and when feeling sad, mad, or worried. OEC is excited to partner with Gizmo to encourage people to take the Pawesome Pledge for Mental Health! Check out this video to find out more:
Starting to talk with kids openly about their mental health at an early age helps them feel cared for and safe. The more often you do it, the more likely they’ll ask for help when they need it most as they grow. For resources on talking with kids about their mental health, visit now!
Being a trusted adult for the kids in your life means being there for them and committing to a positive mental health lifestyle they can look up to. A trusted adult can be a parent, grandparent, brother, sister or someone else who helps guide kids to find ways to help care for their own mental health everyday. Take the Trusted Adult pledge for mental health today:
We all feel sad, mad, or worried sometimes. Gizmo’s Pawesome Pledge for Mental Health can help. Find ways to make a plan for what to do when the kids in your life feel that way. You can take the pledge with your child at